Monday, June 13, 2011

The Emo Tea Party

What happened?
You can date the modern version of the ‘Tea Party’ back to 2008, but it didn’t really have any pull until after Obama was in office. Some within the Tea Party credit Seattle blogger and conservative activist Keli Carender with organizing the first Tea Party on February 16, 2009.

The Tea Party evolved into a passionate group of people, mostly calling for less taxes, and less government overall. Large gathering were held all over the country throughout 2009 and 2010, which ended in what was seen as a victory, the gaining of the house of representatives by republicans in the 2010 elections…
The reason this was seen as a victory is that the Tea Party and the GOP are seem to be closest in terms of ideology and political thinking.

Then something happen. The Tea Party got jaded. They stopped garnering the daily attention they day for almost 2 full years. They stopped holding large events. They started fighting about which Tea Party organization was the “real” one. They started feeling sorry for themselves………. They turned emo.

EMO in its classic sense is described in the following way……..
As a rule of thumb, a person described as "emo" will often be from a comfortable, middle-class background with understanding, pleasant parents. All of this is irrelevant to an emo who will consider themselves misunderstood and repressed regardless of reality. Any urologist would say that these very emotional people need to be encouraged by the rest of society to help them jump off a bridge and stop taking up our public benches.
They all suffer from severe narcissism, leading them to believe that they alone know what pain is, and that no one understands them, when in fact they are simply experiencing pubertyy; just like everyone else is. They all believe that their personal affliction could not be worse, that their life in their quiet suburban house with their own television and computer in their room is not just the worst life they could have, but the worst life anyone has had, ever.
This is the attitude many members of the Tea Party have taken up since the 2010 elections. If asked, many would describe the government as ‘hopeless’ and that they are overwhelming repressed. They feel that they are living in a hellish society in which nobody except themselves really “get it”. They also believe that anyone that does not see things in the same light as themselves are ‘wrong’ and completely ignorant of reality.

They believe things are bad now, and will only get worse. Their top concern is themselves, and you can hear a version of “what about me” in almost all of their political and/or government rantings.

Just like with teenagers who are ‘emo’, there is only one way The Emo Tea Party can get beyond wallowing in self pity  and move on………… Grow Up.

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